Thursday 31 December 2009


Further to our post 'One small step...' we have more to report on the puzzling alterations to the bus stops in Newbridge Road.

Work has been carried out to the bus stop opposite Hartwells' Garage. A short length of existing kerb has been removed and replaced with a preformed kerb slightly higher in profile but with no disturbance to the carriageway, unlike the other recently extended bus stops.

Although the street surface has been marked out to indicate the location of an intrusion into the road, it would seem that as this bus stop is just before the pedestrian crossing, it was considered to be too dangerous both for road users and pedestrians to carry out these additional works.

If this limited amount of work is considered adequate to accommodate the lowered entrance platforms on buses, the other bus stops could have been treated in the same way, avoiding the need to block the traffic.

Without any other forthcoming explanation, are the earlier works a deliberate ploy by B&NES Council to cause congestion on this road in order to justify the BRT?

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